Stanislaus Medical Society Committees
SMS and CMA also depend on its members to contribute their expertise in areas effecting medicine today. If you have experience in a particular field, you may want to serve on one of SMS or CMA committees. The Medical Society has several committees and their activity level is dependent upon current need. Please read the description of each committee and if interested, please contact the SMS office for further information.
ADMISSIONS COMMITTEE: To screen for appropriateness and arrange for indoctrination meetings for new physicians.
BYLAWS COMMITTEE: To review and update the Bylaws of the Medical Society.
EMERGENCY CARE COMMITTEE: To arrange and coordinate the physician manpower in the community for handling disasters. To establish liaison with the civil defense coordinator and County Emergency Committee.
FINANCE COMMITTEE: To review and advice the Board on all financial activities of the Society. To supervise and coordinate all activities relating to land use and construction on Society property.
HOSPITAL MEDICAL STAFF LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE: To serve the common needs of the separate autonomous Hospital Medical Staffs. To consist of the Hospital Chiefs of Staff. Current hospital chiefs of staff are automatic members, provided they are SMS Members.
INTRA-PROFESSIONAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE: To mediate disputes between members of the medical professional and address problems of relationships with other allied professional groups.
LEGISLATIVE ADVISORY COMMITTEE: To review State and Federal legislation concerning delivery of health care for the purpose of developing position statements. To advise the Board on all important pending legislation. To establish a liaison with County, State and Federal legislative representatives.
MEDICAl REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE: To review and advise the Society on matters involving professional liability and to assist Society-sponsored carriers in the eval- uation of potential malpractice cases.
MEMBER BENEFIT ADVISORY COMMITTEE: To adjudicate the medical aspects of claims referred by insurance companies. Periodic review of insurance programs for the Society members
Committee members as needed.
MENTAL HEALTH/PHYSICIAN WELLBEING COMMITTEE: To act as liaison with Mental Health Services in the community. To provide the community physicians and their families with workshops on mental health and stress, to attempt to help the impaired physician receive services needed.
PROGRAM & POST GRADUATE EDUCATION COMMITTEE: This Committee, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, shall have supervision over the programs of the general meetings of the Society, as well as to assist the Chairman in developing pro- grams for general Society meetings, as well as to coordinate and stimulate post-graduate education for physicians through the use of speakers, seminars, etc. The programs shall be developed to reflect the educational requirements of the physician membership and in ref- erence to the local communities health considerations; these programs shall be available principally to the physician members and the medical community at large. The programs presented shall be created to advance continued physician study in scientific knowledge and for the task of education to encompass subjects of relevant cultural and linguistic knowledge in the practice of medicine. The Committee responsibilities include all preplan- ning activities and assessment of all completed events by comparing proposed objectives with the outcome evaluations. The Committee shall report to the Board of Directors at reg- ularly scheduled meetings. The Board of Directors shall establish an annual budget. From time to time the Board shall review the committee mission statement for merit. The Committee may use the SMS facilities and staff as necessary to perform necessary business including event support and promotion. It shall perform such other duties as the Board of Directors may direct in relation to programs.
PUBLIC SERVICE COMMITTEE: To review and adjudicate grievances from the public against individual physicians.